Tuesday, September 18, 2012

What The Republicans Should Have Learned From The Last Canadian Federal Election

The Republican campaign for the presidency in 2012 keeps hitting one problem after another, and, Romney seems to be moving from cleaning up one mess after another. It hasn't let up since the London Isn't Ready Remarks, to his having to embrace the Paul Ryan budget, then, the Clint Eastwood Empty Chair, then, the Libya Timetable Screw Up, and now, the To Hell With The 47% Remarks.
I commented to my son-in-law that Romney, despite his huge financial advantage, needs a clear victory in the Presidential Debates. "No chance", said the in-law, "remember the lesson of the Canadian Debates with Michael Ignatieff as their leader". Disaster, followed by a disaster for the Liberals in the election.
A major problem that the Liberals faced in 2011 was summed up very nicely in the Globe and Mail
http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/politics/second-reading/the-liberal-party-what-went-wrong-and-where-to-next/article614112/?page=all .
 Basically, it came down to YOU CAN'T FAKE SINCERITY. Mitt Romney, like Ignatieff, isn't the best pall bearer for the beliefs of the Republican Party. He's a Massachusetts Republican, a fiscal, not a social conservative values Republican, in a party where social conservatism is mandatory.
Only November will tell us the actual results, but, should the results not turn out the way the Republicans want them to, they need to take a hard look at who and what they are.

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